Monday, March 03, 2008

Back to School

After having the entire month of February off, Hannah went back to school this morning. Back to getting up early. Back to leaving the house everyday early. Back to homework, and reading, and routine! Thankfully the morning went really, really well. I know she was excited to get back and see her friends.

We did a lot while she was off track. And yet, there were still things I had hoped to do.

Now, comes the long stretch of school. She'll go the next 12 weeks with no holidays or breaks. That will bring us to the week before Memorial Day Weekend. It'll be at that time, her 2nd grade school year will be behind her and we'll have a 3rd grader on our hands!!!

But until then, there is a performance to be planned, a field trip to be taken, and still lots more learning to be done!

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