Friday, May 12, 2006

2 Weeks Left

It's hard to believe that two weeks from today Hannah will have Kindergarten behind her! The class will have a celebration ceremony on Friday morning then the kids are free to go home, their year is over. At this point :::knock on wood::: Hannah has perfect attendance, so I would imagine she may get a certificate for her attendance. As for celebrating the occassion, I'm thinking we'll go out to lunch and I'll make her a special cake for celebrating her accomplishment.

It seems as though the last couple of weeks, all the kids have been progressing so quickly. Just this week alone, Hannah went from Level 5 on her reading and jumped to Level 8 as of today! It's as though all of a sudden, it 'clicked'. And since she's reading, sounding out, and figuring out words, the days of spelling words in attempts to keep her from knowing what you're talking about, are over. LOL. The other day in the car I was spelling a word out to my mom and boy was I suprised when Hannah sounded it out and figured out what word I was spelling.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow, great job, Hannah! Isn't reading tons of fun?!

Isn't it a bummer that spelling days are over? We need to come up with some other alternative secret language or