Friday, November 11, 2005

Fun in a Box

Our neighbors got a new 52 inch TV this week, which meant a great big box for having fun with. I cut a little hole out as a peek hole to look out and showed Hannah and Emily how to have some fun by walking around the Cul de Sac as a moving box.


Kim said...

Fun! I've been hoping I'll be able to save our new refrigerator box for the kid to play in, but I'm not sure we'll be there when they deliver it.

Darcy said...

Hmmm. The kids would love it that's for sure! Will you have access to the house by the time they will deliver the fridge? Maybe you could leave a note in the space the refridgerator will go, asking for them to please leave the box. LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! That's so funny!!!