Saturday, March 21, 2009

Karate Tournament

Hannah had a Karate Tournament today. As always, she wished she didn't have to participate, but once there, she always looks like she's having fun.Because she is a Brown Belt, all the lower colored belts go first. So there was a lot of waiting for her first competition, which was Forms, she ended up placing 1st, much to our surprise! She was so proud of her 1st place trophy, it's the only place she hadn't placed yet and now she's got a trophy for every place sitting atop her dresser.

With her at home coach and instructor, Daddy.
The rest of the tournament dragged on for us. We literally were one of the last age/belt groups to spar. The referees and tournament officials actually started picking up and packing up the surrounding mats and an announcement had been made that there might not be enough trophies to go round. It was after 4:00 (we'd been there since shortly after noon) and her time came to spar. There were only two of them in her age/belt group so they had to spar for 1st place and 2nd place. Hannah ended up with 2nd place, but claims the 1st place should have been hers since the referee was giving the other girl points incorrectly. But she was still happy with placing.

Hannah is the one on the left, with black gloves.
Following the tournament, we celebrated with dinner at The Spaghetti Factory with Gramma and Papa and Gramie. She's been beaming ever since we left the tournament! And is very happy to have today behind her!


Joy Howse said...

WOW, congrats Hannah!! That looks like lots of fun (the trophy part, not the waiting around). And spaghetti factory... YUM YUM!!!

Kim said...

Congratulations, Hannah!