Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Making a List

When we said early this afternoon we were thinking about going to Toys R Us to check things out and get some ideas as to what the girls wanted for Christmas, Hannah wasted no time in opening up a brand new note pad and remembering her pencil!

After a lunch out, we did just that and took the girls to Toys R Us in hopes of getting some ideas for Christmas for ourselves and others who might ask what the girls would like. We had warned the girls ahead of time we weren't here to buy, just to look, and make our lists. Hannah being 8, understands how this works, I thought there would be potential problems with Rachel leaving empty handed, but she did awesome, and actually was rewarded with a tube of M&M's for being so good! Hannah's list has about twenty three things on it, including some movies she'd like to add to our collection. Now it's a matter of getting out and getting stuff she wanted!

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