Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Day Happenings

Despite having been out into the wee hours of the morning, I was pleasantly surprised when Hannah slept in until almost 10 this morning. Our girls have just never been ones to sleep in. It doesn't matter how late we've stayed into the night at Disneyland, it usually never fails that Hannah would be up her normal 6:30 time, but today was one for the Hannah record books!

This morning we just hung out at home, watching the Rose Parade, relaxing, taking it easy. Hannah did get the opportunity to video chat with Emily this morning and it was fun watching the two of them show each other what they'd gotten for Christmas.

Mid afternoon, we headed out to meet Uncle Bart at Disneyland. This coming weekend, the Christmas season officially comes to an end at The Merriest Place on Earth, and we wanted to experience it just one more time this season. We had planned on staying for fireworks but in the early evening we figured they more than likely wouldn't be doing the fireworks due to the windy conditions. But we rode some rides, saw the light show on the castle one more time, and showed Uncle Bart the light show on Small World. We enjoyed the afternoon and evening and managed to make it home relatively early, just shortly after 9. Definitely, a nice way to start off the New Year.

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