Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fun Times with the Cousins

McKenzie and Haylee came home with us from preschool today. While Hannah missed out on some of the fun while she was at school and then doing homework and chores, she managed to still have fun with her cousins. After dinner and baths, the girls settled down to watch a movie. Gotta love that blank TV watching stare. The girls had so much fun and are looking forward to seeing each other the day after tomorrow for McKenzie's birthday party! They got even more excited when I asked Auntie if she could watch the girls in the evening while we went to a Christmas party. They got even more excited when Auntie said they could just extend McKenzie's birthday celebration and they could sleepover!!!


Anonymous said...

they had so much fun! they seriously did NOT want to leave. love the pic on the couch with the classic HB picking her nose! LOL that child! i might need to put some tabasco on that puppy! I am kidding, of course!

Darcy said...

If you think that shot of HB picking her nose is classic, I'll email you a pic I took and later noticed I captured McKenzie's "coin slot". ROTFL.