Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Fessing Up

I had a meeting with Hannah's teacher this morning. I am Room Mom once again this year and last week I sent her a note asking when would be a good time that we could meet and talk about what she'd like from me this school year, what holidays she'd like parties for, etc.

She also told me how smart and how very well Hannah is doing, academically. She also told me that Hannah could be quite a chatter (NO, Really??? LOL). And how a couple of times, the entire tables gotten in trouble, etc.

This evening, I casually said to Hannah, "So, I met with Ms Barrett this morning". That's all I had said before Hannah fessed up to something the teacher hadn't even told me about. LOL. To make a long story short, a week or two ago, the entire table got in trouble and they all lost a recess.

It was pretty funny that Hannah fessed up to something totally different than what I was going to confront her on. LOL.

1 comment:

Kim said...

"So full of artless jealousy is guilt, it spills itself in fearing to be spilt." I love that line from Hamlet!