Friday, August 11, 2006

VBS Comes to an End

Tonight marked the ending of this years' Vacation Bible School. Hannah has had such a wonderful time. And really did a great job with staying up late and then getting up the next morning for school. In years' past with our VBS, it's been on Sunday evenings in one of the facilities our church rents, which meant everything had to be torn down and packed up at the end of our evening. With VBS being in our Fellowship Hall this year, everything was able to be left up and decorated, which made it that much more fun. Everything was great....the decorations, the crafts, the games, and even the snacks, were all awesome! The kids that participated in VBS will be performing in church on Sunday, followed by a slide show of pictures taken during the week. Hannah has already mentioned how she can't wait for VBS next year!

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