Friday, August 12, 2005

Lunch Date with Gramma!

Hannah is so excited for today. Not only is it chocolate milk day at school, but Gramma is picking Hannah up from school and they are going to lunch. It's a reward for having collected 25 stars for good behavior at school.

Everyday in school, each student starts out with a star. Upon doing something unacceptable to the teacher, you first get a warning. If you continue, you are asked to turn your star over. If you continue after turning your star, you get your star taken away for the day.

Hannah has obtained her star everyday she's been in school!!! Gramma made a deal with her that once she reached 25 stars, they'd go to lunch, just Gramma and Hannah!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Way to go, Hannah! Have you really been in school five weeks already? Wow!