Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some After Christmas Camping

This Christmas vacation has proved to be a busy one. With preparing for Christmas the first half of Hannah's vacation, we took up a part of her second week with camping, not too far from home.

We went to Vail Lake and camped with three other families from church, all whom had trailers and thankfully had extra beds that were offered to all of us as it was COLD at night. We took up the offer half way and put our girls in the trailers to sleep at night. And they enjoyed it, although Hannah said it didn't really feel like camping sleeping in a trailer. LOL. One of the families that went camping with us had their motorhome, which had satellite television. Hannah spent a lot of time in there with her friend Jen, watching movies and playing with their new DSi's they'd gotten for Christmas!Where we were camping, there was tons of grass and tree swings and even a miniature golf course. Hannah had a great time playing and hanging out. Of course, there was always good food to be had, like breakfast burritos and muffins from Costco one morning!It was a great time had by all. And Hannah seems to enjoy our camping trips!

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